It takes a lot of people to step up and help to make an open-source project like Liquibase great. For over a decade, we’ve had people from around the world help out in so many ways. Thank you! Here’s how to keep it going and make the community even better.

How to report a bug

Have you found an issue? First, check to see if someone else has run across this bug or issue. If so, leave a comment with a +1. If not, let us know in our issue tracker in GitHub.
View detailed instructions on how to report an issue >

How to suggest a feature or enhancement

Have a great idea for a feature or enhancement? First, check to see if someone else has already submitted an idea for the feature. If so, leave a comment with a +1. If not, please let us know about your idea in the issue tracker in GitHub.

Some general guidance:

  • Be as specific as possible!
  • Provide examples so that others get a better idea about how this feature or enhancement should work
  • Include details about the environment(s) where your suggestion will really shine

Help fix bugs and create features by writing code

Fixing issues and working on code for features is an amazing way to contribute to the community. View detailed instructions on how to contribute code >

Improve documentation

Help improve documentation by submitting feedback and suggestions. View instructions on how to submit feedback >

Answer questions for others in the community

Answer questions on Stack Overflow
Look for questions placed under the Liquibase tag on Stack Overflow.
Select an unanswered question and earn some reputation. 

Answer questions on the Liquibase Forum

Keep up with what’s going on around the community

Sign up for the newsletter. (Add your email address to the form in the footer of the website.) You’ll always be in the know about releases and community meetups.

Become a member of the Liquibase subreddit
Not into giving out your email. That’s cool. Just head over to the Liquibase subreddit and you’ll see announcements there. 

Join us for the monthly virtual meetup!
We post a new link to register each month on You’ll also see posts on all of our social media channels letting you know how to join us.