Fix a bug, enhance existing features, or build something completely new. Join other developers in making Liquibase better for yourself and the larger community. For over a decade, we’ve had people from around the world help out in so many ways. Thank you! Here’s how you can keep it going and make the community even better.

Submit a bug

Spotted a bug? Follow our process on logging it in GitHub Issues.

Contribute code

contribute code

Add code to Liquibase to fix a bug or make an enhancement.

Create an extension

building extensions

Modify an existing extension, or create a new one from scratch.

Liquibase Legends

The Liquibase Legends program’s purpose is to energize our community while recognizing individual efforts and achievements. Get points for your contributions to the community, compete with others (if that’s your thing), and show off badges and accreditations.

Join the Developer Leaderboard

Developer ScoreContributor ID
#1 VoxlandUnited States660NathanVoxland-373768
#2 JensenUnited States66JakeJensen-1700551
#3 TaggartNorth Carolina, United States28KarenTaggart-31857801
#4 BivilleFrance26FlorentBiville-7168551
#5 ChappellUnited States16KevinChappell-422101
#6 GrayLuxembourg12DanielGray-5186201
#7 MoraruItaly4CostinMoraru-306984
#8 SemenovRussia4AlexeySemenov-16517851
#9 CliftonUnited States4ZacClifton-40869751
#10 SlobodcicovMoldova2AlexandruSlobodcicov-266664
#11 ChenUnited States2SeanChen-361945
#12 SuwanpechThailand2PramothSuwanpech-399869
#13 BradleyUnited Kingdom2RichardBradley-16735001